class Mystic::PitchClassSet


Represents a pitch class set in Set Theory

To create a PitchClass:

# C, E, G[,,])

# Shorthand[0, 4, 7])

# Can create from a chord"C").pitch_class_set

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.from_forte_number(s : String) : PitchClassSet #

Returns the pitch class set (in prime form) given the Forte number

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def : Array(Int32)) #

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def : Array(Mystic::PitchClass)) #

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Instance Method Detail

def +(i : Int32) : PitchClassSet #

Transpose (Tₙ)

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def -(i : Int32) : PitchClassSet #

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def <=>(other : self) : Int32 #

The more "compact" pitch class set is considered less than the other

"Compactness" is determined by:

  1. Smallest outer distance
  2. If tie, rightmost largest inner distances
  3. If tie, the pitch class set beginning closest to 0

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def ==(other : self) : Bool #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

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def first : PitchClass #

Returns the first pitch class

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def forte_number : String #

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def interval_vector : Array(Int32) #

The interval vector (also known as Interval Class Content) shows which interval classes (with quantities) exist between all pairs of notes.

Returns an array of 6 ints, denoting how many of each interval class (ic) exist.

For example: an interval vector of [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1] means the following:

  1. 2 instances of interval class 3
  2. 1 instance of interval class 6

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def invert(axis : PitchClass) : PitchClassSet #

Returns the inversion around the given axis

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def invert(axis : Int32 = 0) : PitchClassSet #

Returns the inversion around the given axis (defaulting to 0)

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def last : PitchClass #

Returns the last pitch class

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def normal_form : PitchClassSet #

Returns the normal form.

The normal form is the most compact form of a pitch class set

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def pitch_class_values : Array(Int32) #

Returns the pitch classes as an array of ints

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def pitch_classes : Array(PitchClass) #

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def prime_form : PitchClassSet #

Returns the prime form.

The prime form is calculated by:

  1. Finding the more compact version of either the normal form or inverted normal form
  2. Transposing it to start from 0

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def size : Int32 #

Returns the number of pitch classes

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def sort : PitchClassSet #

Returns the pitch class set with pitch classes in ascending order

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def t(i : Int32) : PitchClassSet #

Transpose (Tₙ)

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def ti(i : Int32) : PitchClassSet #

Inversion + Transpose (TₙI or Iₙ)

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def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a short String representation of this object which includes its class name and its object address.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).to_s # => #<Person:0x10a199f20>

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def transpose_to(i : Int32) #

Transpose set to begin with given pitch class value

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